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Here and Gone

Rating::: 5 Stars

Audra is running...running with her two kid from an abusive husband. Audra's life hasn't been the best but she is determined to make a better life for her and her children.

As she is stopped by the police in Arizona something horrible happens. The Sheriff finds a bag of drugs in the trunk of her car and takes her to jail. While loading her up he tells her the kids will be taken some place safe. Once she gets to the station and asks wher her children are she realizes something is horribly wrong when the Sheriffs reply is "What children".

Talk about a nail biting mystery. The story unravels and as a mother of two kids myself, I cant help but feel everything right along with Audra.

I loved seeing a strong woman character. A character that can overcome so much. The story was amazing and shows sometimes you mess with the wrong kids.

This was a tense and beautifully written story. Once once picked up it was so hard to put down. I praise Haylen Beck for writing such an amazing story. I highly recommend reading this one.

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